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So we keep putting our trust in things that rust
And then we feel the pain of loss

(James, "Stripmining")

Known Bugs, Problems And Limitations

Every program sucks. Read why this program sucks, too.

Known Bugs

Currently everything repairable has been fixed.

Internal Error Messages

This is a special kind of messages which does not fit into the schema of all those messages described at another chapter. When processing it's input, hsc does not only check if the user made a mistake, but also the author of this tools. At several places of the source code, hsc tests for things that must not happen. Otherwise, hsc assumes it has completely fucked-up. In this case, it simple displays a message on the screen and aborts.

An example message could look like this:
** internal error at "hugo.c" (123): sepp is not at home

These messages are not really meant to be interpreted by the user, but by the programmer. When hsc puts out an internal error message, you should contact the author and report this bug, including the complete text of the panic message. In such a case, you are not expected to create a sophisticated bug report, as such problems are hard to back-trace.

Known Problems

The problems described below probably won't ever be fixed.


Hsc is fully dynamic and it's input size, number of syntax-elements and etc. is only limited by memory and disk space. Only some less important status messages are created in classic, brain-dead zero-terminated C-character-arrays and are truncated if they become too long.

However, for projects much larger then 100 documents, scanning the project file on every run takes an awful lot of time; due the lack of any portable concept of keeping data resident after a program exits, there is no workaround for this (same problem like with hsc.prefs); you will have to get rid of the project-file and hscdepp for such projects.